
Price : USD 800.00

Out Of Stock

Product Description
276 people are interested in this kitten.
Female • 12 weeks
4.6 (16,273 reviews)
Birthday: December 10, 2023
Available: I'm ready today!
Weight: 3.7 lbs
Color: Brown

About LADY
Hi! I promise to be the meaning of love. Someone who makes you feel good about living, who brings out the you that you like best. Someone to share joy, laughter, and even someone to comfort you when times are tough. Someone to love you more than anything else in this world. A companion who accepts you for the person that you are without judgment. This is what I will be for you; the beautiful and very real meaning of love!

Terms & conditions
Agreement Terms: 1. Transfer of Ownership: - The Previous Owner agrees to transfer ownership of the above-described pet to the New Owner. - The New Owner accepts full responsibility for the care, well-being, and maintenance of the pet from this date forward. 2. Payment (if applicable): - If any payment is involved in the transfer of ownership, details of this transaction are as follows: [Specify payment amount and method]. 3. Health and Medical Records: - The Previous Owner agrees to provide all available health and medical records, including vaccination history, microchip information, and any other relevant details, to the New Owner. 4. Pet Care and Welfare: - The New Owner agrees to provide proper care, attention, nutrition, and medical treatment for the pet, ensuring its well-being and safety at all times. 5. Contact Information: - Both parties agree to provide updated contact information for communication regarding the pet's welfare and any future concerns. 6. Return Policy: - In the event that the New Owner is unable to care for the pet, the Previous Owner has the first right of refusal to take back ownership of the pet.
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